Saturday, November 21, 2009

Backless Kareena: What real purpose does it serve?

- by satyaswarup mohanty 21 Nov 2009
This story has been read 1105 times.
Category: Entertainment
Some activities, although seems like an intelligemt move by the person or the organization in the pursuit of their self or business promotion mutate into embarassing and self defeating acts. One such incident is the attempt to publicise the film "Kurban". Eventhough we assume that the film has a good story line and an engaging rendition and has all the elements to to be accepted by the viewers, we wonder why the promoters have choosen the easiest path of appealing to the lower instincts of the viewers to draw their attention The common man who comes to see backless Kareena and the roving eyes of Saif groping over her bosom in the promotional poster will tend to forget all the finer aspects of the film when he finally decides to watch it in the theatres as he will have the promo picture in the back of his mind and would be eager to see it on the screen as early as possible. This pre-conditioned mind will deprive him of the aesthetic and artistic appraisal of the film and formulation of any critical response. The promoters of the film might succeed in their attempt to tax his time and wallet, but the objective of eliciting applaud on the artistic count will definitely be lost. If box office suceess is the only parameter and hijacking attention is the only objective, then that could be achieved through many spurious means. Kareena kapoor could well have been repalced by any artiste who oozes more oomph than her ,the role of Saif remaininfg constant. Kareena has done a great disservice to her image and the promoters to the film as they have given more emphasis to the gimmicks than their talent and worth. There are ample examples where films have succeeded on the strength of their script and strong portrayals of characters rather than on glitz and sleaze. Had the promoters of the film prioritized critical acclaim over instant gain, they didn't have to take recourse to such obnoxious means and the outcome could well have been very different.

K.Venugopal - Mumbai on 11/22/2009 12:37:39 PM
The producers of the film may not have been sure of the box-office fate of their film and wanting to take no chances, also threw in a backless Kareena for good measure. This is inevitable when a producer's first priority is to make money.

Indroop - Phagwara on 11/22/2009 12:23:58 PM
Maybe some 5-10 years I would have agreed with your criticism but now i believe its a part of society and you need to be more broadminded

Zara - Maldives on 11/22/2009 11:38:05 AM
Fantastically criticized!!!

Julian George - Trivandrum on 11/22/2009 9:52:12 AM
All industry today is purely money oriented and I am sad to say the orientation and richness of pure art is literally lost. Today most women around me look the same. I don't know why. They are either too plump or the too thin. nothing is beautiful anymore. Where is a simple poetry in today? I smile because I have not seen a nice simple movie in many languages that has good song and the blend of good acting in a long time. We are loosing out.

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