Friday, November 20, 2009

Defiant Sena blames IBN for anti-Thackeray stance


New Delhi/ Mumbai: While the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has strongly condemned Friday's attack by Shiv Sena activists on the offices of IBN-Lokmat network channel in Mumbai and Pune, defiant Shiv Sena has come out in the open defending attacks on IBN offices, blaming anti-Thackeray bias of the channel.
IBN-Lokmat TV channel journalists and other employees were beaten up and the channel's office property was vandalised by Shiv Sainiks to protest the alleged misquoting by the channel of party chief Bal Thackeray's remarks on cricketer Sachin Tendulkar.
BJP vice-president Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi told IANS that the incident was "unfortunate and strongly condemnable".
Without naming the Shiv Sena, Naqvi said that law is equal for all citizens of the country and action should be taken against those responsible for the incident.
The attack has drawn condemnation from all quarters.
Sena vandalised IBN offices; four injured
Shiv Sena activists Friday vandalised the offices of the IBN-Lokmat television channel in north-east Mumbai and in Pune and assaulted journalists, to protest the alleged misquoting of party chief Bal Thackeray's remarks on cricketer Sachin Tendulkar. The attack has drawn condemnation from all quarters.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan assured strong action against attackers.
Armed with sticks and bats, a mob of 25 attacked the IBN-Lokmat office in Vikhroli here, damaging the furniture and fittings, glass partitions, OB vans and electronic equipment.
According to a channel staffer, the Sena activists barged into the channel office around 4 p.m., shouting slogans in favour of the Shiv Sena and Bal Thackeray.
Besides editor Nikhil Wagle, who was slapped, pushed around and had a chair flung at him, three other staffers sustained injuries in the Shiv Sena activists' attack.
A shaken Wagle said that some of the activists launched a brutal attack on the journalists and other staffers in the office, they caused extensive damage to the office, furniture and fittings there."The attack was preplanned, they had come armed with sticks and iron rods for creating the mayhem in our offices. They hurled a chair at me," Wagle told media persons.
The Shiv Sena owned up responsibility for the attack later Friday evening, while the vandalism drew condemnation from other political parties.
No one will be spared: Chavan
"The government shall not go soft on the Shiv Sena and the media should boycott the Shiv Sena," a grim Ashok Chavan told media persons Friday evening. The city police nabbed seven and Pune police arrested eight Shiv Sainiks for the attacks.
Home Minister R.R. Patil also condemned the attacks and assured newsmen that stern action would be taken against those involved.
Shiv Sena spokesman Sanjay Raut accused the channel of misquoting Thackeray's observations on cricket maestro Sachin Tendulkar in a signed article in the Sena mouthpiece "Saamana" last week.
"This is not an attack on the entire media. The (IBN-Lokmat) channel has been constantly misreporting about Bal Thackeray and targeting the Shiv Sena. We shall not tolerate any criticism of our party chief," Raut, a Sena Rajya Sabha MP, said.
"They also manhandled a few staffers, including women, and editor Nikhil Wagle and others," said Vijay Darda, chairman of the Lokmat group of newspapers that part-owns the channel.
Terming it as "an attack on the freedom of speech and media", Darda said he did not expect this from Sena executive president Uddhav Thackeray.
"I have always considered him as a refined, cultured and family person and what has happened has pained us," Darda told IANS.
He said the channel had been running several reports on the debacle of the Shiv Sena-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) alliance in last month's elections to the Mahastrata state assembly. "They have vented their frustration at the defeat on the journalists and the TV channel, which is highly condemnable," said Darda, a Congress member in the Rajya Sabha.
Darda, whose younger brother Rajendra is a Congress cabinet minister in Maharasthra, said it is "disturbing that the Sainiks have become so bold as to launch attacks on the media without any fear". South Mumbai Lok Sabha member Milind Deora, condemning the attacks, said the police must probe the top Sena leaders who had planned or instigated the attacks on the media house in Mumbai and Pune. D.K. Raikar, group editor of Lokmat Group of Newspapers, said the immediate provocation behind the attacks was not clear.He said that some of the activists who went on rampage were nabbed by some of the channel staffers and handed over to the police.
"They have broken the furniture and fittings, broken glass panels and partitions, several television sets, computers, communication lines, OB vans, uprooted carpets, etc.," Raikar told IANS after surveying the damages wreaked by the Sena men Friday evening.
Attacks carried out simultaneously in Pune
A similar attack was carried out simultaneously at the Pune office of the channel, and there too staffers were attacked. The Pune police have arrested at least eight people in this connection.
CNN-IBN chief Rajdeep Sardesai termed the attacks as "a shame" and condemned the Sena for the attaks. In Lucknow, the Samajwadi Party also condemned the attack, terming the attackers as anti-social elements.
"Be it the Shiv Sena or the Maharashtra Navnirmaan Sena (MNS), all are anti-social elements. They are spreading a feeling of regional difference amongst the states of the country. We appeal to the Election Commission to cancel the registration of such parties which do not follow the Indian constitution," Rajendra Chaudhary, spokesperson of the Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh, told IANS.
Source: Agencies
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21 November 2009 00:04:26
Some things are a dictum - freedom of the press; no one has the right to take law into their hands; violence is never the answer etc. But what is the remedy for irresponsible journalism? The press went to town over Bal Thackeray's open letter to imply that Bal Thackeray took an anti-Indian line vis-a-vis Sachin Tendulkar’s statement that he is an Indian first and Mumbai is for all Indians. The fact is that nowhere in the letter did Bal Thackeray condemn Sachin for being a patriotic Indian. In fact, Bal Thackeray himself said in the letter that he is proud to be an Indian and signed off his letter with Jai Hind. Shiv Sena’s so-called parochial pro-Marathi stand is actually a stand against the ghettoisation of urban centers because of unbridled influx of people from rural areas , which is a world-wide phenomenon. This problem can be resolved only by a national development policy that balances development so that mass movement to urban centres for employment is regulated. But the so-called secular press has consistently sought to portray Shiv Sena’s stand as anti-national when it is not.

Therefore while rightly condemning the vandalism by Shiv Sainiks, the press should also be asked to report in a balanced way so that reporting is not converted to propaganda.

21 November 2009 00:03:21
akash... wut do mean by 'Christian' media?
21 November 2009 00:01:00
Yes anil, the ibn netwroks are biased, and cant forgive mr. sardesai for being adement and proud of telecasting the 26/11 attacks live helping the terrorists in the process....
Brijesh Kanaujia
20 November 2009 23:54:00
Shiv Sena Must ban completely in Maharashra. Those who are involved must booked and punish. Centre must intervence and handle this task state will not able to do any correct action. If centre not intervene then no use being central government such activities will be increase. Government of India not capable to run country then sell it to someone lot of buyer are there.
20 November 2009 23:53:28
This is how our country runs...people will remember for 1 week and then and sleep. Politicians are like god in india nothing will hppn to them. Feel pity for the party workers who do all this kind of **** without realising how much money & effort is being invested to create something and for damaging just a matter of few minutes.
Akash Deep Sharma
20 November 2009 23:44:59
Any Christian media against Hinduism should be dealt with same blow.
Anil Mumbai
20 November 2009 23:43:03
This is not to condone the violence. This violence cannot be justified in democratic India.

There is also the flip side of this coin. CNNIBN has been extremly baised in its reporting of events that concern the parties in opposition.

On 28th March 2009 IBNlive made 7 references to BJP govt in Gujarat all very negative.Mr Sardesai has vilified the CM of Gujarat for 7 long years.

Does this channel not have a duty to report in an unbiased and fair manner.

Yes this channel is not watched by me since I have the remote which permitted me to remove it from my television set.It was nauseating to listen to the unrelenting diatribe against an individual on a daily basis.

I stopped writing on the site of the channel for the same reasons.

Shiv Sena instead of indulging in violence should have ignored this channel completely, which would have been a mature and acceptable form of protest.

Let us hope the culprits are punished and CNNIBN resorts to introspection and performs its duties in fair manner.
20 November 2009 23:35:54
I feel that the act shown by this vandalism should not be extended , but we should wait and see what Mr. R,R,Patil (H.M.) does and whether he fulfills the commitment he made yesterday . Hats off to Mr. Rajdeep Sardesai for bringing in the news to us. Rajdeep relax , we reuire people like u and do not get excited too much.......
20 November 2009 23:30:46
This VANDALISM and goondagardi IN THE name of CHATTRAPATI SHIVAJI is an act of COWARDICE which even the GR8 MARATHA WARRIOR would have SPAT upon if he were alive today.

If this kind of assaulting were to be permitted it won't be long before ALL Politicians go in for this kind of "vote catching" tactics

Why don't this SHAV SENA and their sibling the MNS hunt for terrorists and hit them in their addas if they have the guts???

They just cannot tolerate criticism though they consider it their "janmasiddha hak" to instigate and provoke people in cosmopolitan Mumbai.

Let them attack the powers that control the Mafias in Mumbai if they have any guts.

Let us know one People's movement they have organised to prevent the CONGESTION of Mumbai,let us know one thing they have done to make commute of people easier like helping out the Traffic Havildars and beating up the Trucks and Tempos who park haphazardly everywhere. Let us know what they have done to make RAIL SAFAR less SUFFER

Vikas Kumar
20 November 2009 23:30:01
My dear Marathis, wake up . Don't use Goondas like Raj Thackeray and Bal Thackerey for your selfish needs. RAJ THACKERAY of the MNS and Bal Thackeray of the Shiv Sena are like the Talibans, who were once used by Americans and have now become their biggest enemies. In the same way, if Marathis support MNS and Shiv Sena, one day they will mean trouble for all Marathi families because they are goondas and taking help from goondas like Taliban by USA against Russia is that everybody knows. I want to ask one question. Why do we Indians go to foreign countries like USA and Australia? They should also treat us the same way we treat people from Bihar and UP. Suppose if something bad happens to Mumbai and Delhi like the Pakistanis dropping bombs there, will you not come to Bihar for shelter, if it’s a safer place. We should condemn the Central government and the state governments for not developing all the states of India equally.

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